Monday, February 12, 2007


This little piece of insanity makes my palms sweat just watching it.

Funny Ad

Quick Change Magic

Does anyone know how they did this?

Card Tricks

I love a good trick. Try to figure these ones out.

Perception of Beauty Part II

WAIT!! If you haven't seen the original watch this first.

It's only a matter of time before someone comes out with a spoof...

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Mentos and Diet Coke

Mentos and Diet Coke are a pretty cool mix. Apparently this was shown on Letterman back in 1999 but it has really caught on only recently. Reg and I have tried it and it works.

Here's a basic example of mentos and diet coke...

Now if you put the lid on before it fizzes up, you create a lot of pressure, which can be turned into a rocket, like so...

Here is the world's biggest mentos geyser...the beginning is boring but the end is cool.

AND THESE GUYS ARE THE KINGS. They don't want people posting their stuff to youtube, so please check out the videos on their website. You won't be disappointed.
Experiment #137 (the original)
Experiment #214 (the domino effect)

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Urban Ninja

Another video gone viral.

A Perfect Circle

Easier said than drawn.